
Tuesday 21 March 2017

Summer: The Season of Fruits

Hello People,

What is the first thought comes in your mind when its about SUMMER Season?

If your answer is also FRUITS then this article is for you.

Here the wait is over. Yes, its summer season knocking the door. The season full of juicy & yummy fruits which are very-very Healthy & Nutritious. It keeps your mind & body feel so fresh & light.

Having fruits or fruit juice in this season not only gives you freshness but it also makes your skin glow & look shiny. Fruits are best for detoxification of your body. Fruits help to remove the toxins from your body & make it feel so light & fresh. 

“The best time to eat fruits is before your meals. Apart from this you can have fruit juices or fruit shakes (not much as it loses its nutritional values). Just take care of the hygiene & avoid adding sugar in the juice & shakes, it will you extra calories.

Avoid having fruits after your meal as it will create indigestion problem, especially citric fruits they should be taken only before your meals. In any condition do not have them after your meals.

Summer is the season of fruits but yes again there should be a limit to eat some of the fruits like grapes, papaya, mango, etc. They have some bad effects if taken in bulk.
So while having these fruits always remember to eat them in a certain quantity not more than it. Because sometimes being greedy for them is little dangerous too.

All age groups from kids to adult & even the senior age group people love to have these fruits in different styles. There is no age bar for having fruits. But one should know properly about the goods & bads of having them. If you are allergic to any of them then please do avoid eating them otherwise it will create problem.
There are some of most popular, healthy, nutritious & tasty fruits of Summer Season. Some of them are:
  • Apricots
  • Blueberry
  • Cherry
  • Grapes
  • Guava
  • Lychee
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Strawberry
  • Watermelon
Apart from juices & shake there are number of Delicious Recipes you can make with fruits in this summer season. 
Like, Fruits Salad, Fruits Chat, Custard, Smoothies, Squashes, Homemade Fruits Jellies, Ice-Creams and the list is endless. Always try to make these dishes at home & not having the packaged fruits or fruits dishes as it has lots preservative in it & they are not at good for your health in all terms.

All these fruits have different taste with lots of water and full of fibers in it. Also they contain only natural sugar which is not at all bad from our health point of view. All the fruits are very rich in vitamins & minerals.

Now tell me which is your favorite among them? Please share your suggestions with us. Your comments are always welcomed.


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